I am extremely excited to share our new name and branding.
Kindred Folk Dance Theatre?
As we are in the process of making the transition to CIC status I thought a lot about the direction I want this company to grow in. Community and inclusivity are integral to the work and I wanted the name and branding to reflect that.
So, why Kindred Folk Dance Theatre
A group of people related through ancestry, beliefs or values.
Our aim is to bring people together, to share stories and move together. We aspire to create safe and inclusive spaces where every one feels welcomed and celebrated.
Humans. People. Everyone.
We also like the way it relates to folk stories, folk dances and folk music. The tradition of gathering and telling tales, true and fable, new and old. We invite you to join us in our stories.
Dance Theatre
We originate in dance but we like to delve into other artworks.
Spoken word, written work, visual art and music.
All of these come back to movement in some way. Dancing with our bodies, dancing with our voices, dancing with words, dancing with a paint brush and dancing with our ears.
Always dancing, always moving.
Our leaf is a Hawthorn Leaf and is very dear to us, to me.
The Hawthorn is a magical tree in Irish mythology.
It is a symbol of love and protection, with fairy’s living underneath to protect it.
It is said that if you cutdown a Hawthorn you will have bad luck for the rest of your life.
The Hawthorn also happens to be my tree sign according to Celtic mythology.
If you didn’t know or hadn’t have guessed my heritage is Irish and I feel such a strong connection to it. To the traditions and ways of being; to its landscape and nature. When I am there, I feel home.
I hope you like our new name and continue to follow our journey. There are a lot of exciting things to come!
The best is yet to come… – unknown
Artistic Director